
Stick to Learn more about Stick to

  • General stick how to raise General stick breeding methods and points for attention

    General stick how to raise General stick breeding methods and points for attention

    The general stick can become a general in the cactus, and the difficulty in breeding should be very small, because the general must be strong and rugged. But stocking should also have the appearance of stocking, stocking is not a sign of indifference, but a unique relationship.

    2020-11-08 General stick how raise breed method and notice general
  • How to raise the stick of the general of Shizhu? How do you breed? What is the effect and effect?

    How to raise the stick of the general of Shizhu? How do you breed? What is the effect and effect?

    General stick cactus family cylinder cactus genus, native to Peru and Argentina, also known as the general column, so how to keep the general stick? How do you breed? What is the effect and effect? According to the information, the general stick is actually very easy to raise, and rough management is recommended. The general stick is a cactus plant, and the flowers are red.

  • How do undead birds with stick leaves reproduce

    How do undead birds with stick leaves reproduce

    The stick-leaf undead bird is often seen on the tile roof of the old house in the south village. It is native to southern Madagascar in Africa. Do you know how undead birds with stick leaves breed? 1. How to reproduce the undead birds with stick leaves? remove the adventitious buds from the leaves of the undead birds and plant them.

    2020-11-08 Stick leaf no dead bird how breeding stick leaf in
  • A stick is buried in the basin, the root is as thick as radish, and the leaves are fat and green!

    A stick is buried in the basin, the root is as thick as radish, and the leaves are fat and green!

    Orchids have long, greenish leaves and colorful flowers, which are liked by many flower friends. Many flower friends find the orchid delicate and difficult to raise, and it is even more difficult to make it blossom. If you want the flowers to grow strong, all you need is a stick. Come and see how to use it.

  • General, what's the use of a stick? How do you maintain a general stick when you are ready to buy it?

    General, what's the use of a stick? How do you maintain a general stick when you are ready to buy it?

    The general stick also looks very special, unlike other cacti, it looks more like a mace, isn't it domineering? This general stick is poisonous! But do not eat, (it is best to put it in the child can not touch.

  • Key points of management of Lentinus edodes after water injection

    Key points of management of Lentinus edodes after water injection

    After water injection, Lentinus edodes should strengthen the ventilation of the greenhouse and control the temperature in the greenhouse, and certain light stimulation and temperature difference stimulation can be given to promote mushroom production. Note that if the bacteria stick is heavy, you can first take off the bag and then inject water. The bacteria stick is light, and then you can inject water first.

    2020-11-08 Lentinus edodes water injection after management main points summary in
  • Cultivation techniques of mushroom

    Cultivation techniques of mushroom

    First of all, to buy sticks, it is best to buy those that have grown white mycelium. Put the stick in a dark place and spray water regularly every day. Do not water the mushrooms after they come out, just keep the stick moist and keep the temperature at 20-28 degrees. About one

    2020-11-09 Mushroom cultivation techniques first buy stick best already
  • How much is the price of iron bar yam per jin? Can its skin be eaten? What's the difference between Chinese yam and ordinary yam?

    How much is the price of iron bar yam per jin? Can its skin be eaten? What's the difference between Chinese yam and ordinary yam?

    Iron stick yam is one of many varieties of yam, iron stick yam has traces like rust, so it is named iron stick yam. Iron bar yam is divided into sandy soil and loess yam near the Yellow River according to its geographical location. So, how much is the iron bar yam?

    2020-11-09 Iron bar yam price more less money one jin its skin can eat
  • Rapid bud induction of Lentinus edodes

    Rapid bud induction of Lentinus edodes

    The method of water injection or bubble bag budding in bag cultivation of Lentinus edodes will make the water content in the stick too high and affect the yield, quality and benefit. In this paper, a method of rapid bud induction is introduced. 1. Four iron nails 8 cm ~ 10 cm long were used to pierce the hole, which were nailed on a board with a thickness of 1.5 cm, a length of 45 cm and a width suitable for hand-holding. The "nail row" was used to pierce 8 eyes on the bacterial stick. two。 Soak the pierced stick into a soaking pool or vat to prevent the stick from floating. After that, soak the bacteria stick with 0.3% urea solution. The fungus that overflows the tide mushroom.

  • What is the method of planting Gastrodia elata in single-layer box

    What is the method of planting Gastrodia elata in single-layer box

    At the bottom of the box, put a layer of culture material, about 6 cm thick, along the length of the box, put 5 high-quality sticks at equal distance, and sprinkle the culture material between the sticks, so that half of the sticks are buried and half exposed. Gastrodia elata is not planted in the gap between the bacterial stick and the box board, but 4 rows of Gastrodia elata are planted in the gap between the bacterial stick and the bacterial stick, or Gastrodia elata is also planted between the bacterial stick and the box board, which can be planted for 6 rows. Put the hemp seed next to the stick next to it. In order to provide adequate nutrition for Gastrodia elata, 5-6 branches were added between the stick and the stick, and then

  • Gastrodia elata roll stick sowing

    Gastrodia elata roll stick sowing

    The sowing technology of Gastrodia elata rolls is a pioneering work of Wang Minghui, Chief of Agricultural Section of the Western Mountain Construction Committee of the people's Government of Chencang District, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province. Gastrodia elata roll sowing technology can greatly improve the germination survival rate of Gastrodia elata seeds, and greatly improve the yield and quality of Gastrodia elata, and its economic benefit is more than twice that of the traditional Gastrodia elata sowing method. The traditional sowing method of Gastrodia elata sowed Gastrodia elata. After Gastrodia elata seeds germinated, more than 60% of the germinated seeds gradually aged and starved to death because they could not establish a parasitic feeding relationship with Armillaria mellea in time. Gastrodia elata roll

  • How to prevent the "rotten stick" of black fungus?

    How to prevent the

    How to prevent the "rotten stick" of black fungus? What is the cause of the black fungus "rotten stick"? What are the ways to prevent and cure it? Also ask netizens to help introduce the method farming network sorted out the reasons and prevention methods of black fungus "rotten stick", listed below for netizens' reference. The cause of the rotten stick of black fungus.

  • How to deal with the "rotten stick" of Lentinus edodes in high temperature

    How to deal with the

    How to deal with the "rotten stick" of Lentinus edodes in high temperature

  • How to stick the stem begonia leaves yellowing and lose the leaves? how to stick the stem begonia culture method

    How to stick the stem begonia leaves yellowing and lose the leaves? how to stick the stem begonia culture method

    Tripterygium also known as wrinkled papaya, its beautiful flowers, has a high ornamental value, loved by many people, but if it shows symptoms of yellowing leaves, not only affect its health, but also affect its beauty, then for this problem, I

    2020-11-08 Stick stem begonia leaf yellowing drop how to do breeding method
  • Is the stick insect a pest or a beneficial insect?

    Is the stick insect a pest or a beneficial insect?

    Is the stick insect a pest or a beneficial insect?

  • How to grow mushrooms, with cultivation precautions

    How to grow mushrooms, with cultivation precautions

    Construction site: construction site should be located in a place with leeward sun, sufficient illumination and abundant water resources. Preparation of bacteria stick: bacteria stick contains culture medium, common cottonseed hull, and then in the bacteria stick filled with other nutrients, while paying attention to control temperature and moisture. inoculation

    2020-11-08 mushroom how planting method attachment cultivation precautions abstract
  • "Open" inoculation Technology of Lentinus edodes stick

    "Open" inoculation of Lentinus edodes is a new technology summarized and innovated in recent years. Because of its convenient operation, no inoculation box, time-saving and labor-saving, this technology is generally welcomed by the majority of mushroom farmers. The technology is introduced as follows: 1. The inoculation site ① chooses the room with wind shelter, cleanliness, dryness, good sealing and no miscellaneous bacteria pollution sources within 50 meters as the open inoculation site. The ② inoculation room must be cleaned and disinfected the day before the stick is moved. two。 The ① was sterilized under atmospheric pressure and kept at 100℃ for 14 hours.

  • If you want to eat figs, find a stick and stick it into the soil and bear fruit.

    If you want to eat figs, find a stick and stick it into the soil and bear fruit.

    As soon as the temperature came down, many autumn fruits began to appear on the market. Huahua recently saw some figs sold in the market, so she bought some and went back. Who knew that the figs were so sweet that they were gone when they didn't eat enough, so.

  • Light cultivation techniques of Lentinus edodes with substitute material

    Light cultivation techniques of Lentinus edodes with substitute material

    Since the 1990s, the successful cultivation technology of mushroom in Qingyuan County Edible Mushroom Scientific Research Center has been rapidly popularized and applied to the whole country, which has made a great contribution to the transformation of Lentinus edodes production from quantity to quality in the vast rural areas. However, in the production of Lentinus edodes, the production of Lentinus edodes has been restricted by a large amount of work, such as sterilization of mushroom sticks, inoculation operation, manual bag cutting and so on, and the problems such as low rate of finished products, irregular mushroom production and abnormal mushroom body have been restricting the development of Lentinus edodes production, especially causing great obstacles to intensive production. To that end, I

  • Planting technique of stick vegetable

    Planting technique of stick vegetable

    The meat of lollipop is white and tender and crispy. It tastes very good whether it is used for stir-frying or cold salad. Many people like to eat pickled lollipop. So what are the techniques for growing great vegetables? 1. Soil: the requirement of the soil is not too strict, it can be good in the soil everywhere.

    2020-11-09 Stick vegetables planting technology stick vegetables meat white and tender crispy no matter yes